Golf Slice -Golfing Tip Cure...Eliminate Your Slice Easily In no Time!

Have you a slice so bad it threatens the group behind you?

Rarely if at all break 80, 90 or 100 no matter how hard you try?

I can’t think of many things worse in the game than having a golf slice. Well I can…having a golf slice, the yips and a one legged caddy (you should then say ten Hail Marys a night for ten weeks). But those who have battled with the golf slice you know just how frustrating life on the course can be!

It’s near impossible to enjoy a game of golf when you have to fight the slice on every shot. Being a righty and in those slicey days of mine, I got so used to walking to the right after each shot that it felt like I had to turn my self 180 degrees just to walk left! No wonder getting a table was tough when dining out!

Well I wish I could say that there is only one magic golfing tip to cure a slice but there isn’t. I wish the game was that easy (well if your name ends in woods it is!). Sometimes the golf slice can just quietly creep into your game uninvited and set up shop with no ambition to leave. There are a few reasons that can cause a golf slice as described below. We need to work out what is causing your slice to correct it.

Reason why the golf ball slices: The club Head in angled too open upon impact with the ball.

Reason why the club head is angled open on impact: There can be many reasons such as an incorrect grip, set up to the ball, incorrect ball position etc.

Most Slices and problems in golf occur because of an incorrect grip and an incorrect set up (the way in which you address the golf ball). Having the correct grip and set up are the fundamentals of a proper golf swing which are so important because these factors will affect the rest of your swing and therefore your shot success. So by correcting your grip, set up and ball position can cure most slices and other problems.

Below are a few tips and some short golf swing instruction videos by golf pros on how to cure your slice. I have also included a couple of videos on the golf grip and set up for a proper golf swing as these are so important and as mentioned above can negatively affect the rest of your swing if performed incorrectly.

  • Grip: The way you grip a club can induce a golf slice into your swing. Your left hand may grip the club too weakly (your left hand knuckles not being visible from above) and your right hand may be gripping incorrectly. Also the tension with which you grip the club may be too tight or too loose.

  • The Set Up: Many slices are created by the set up….the way you address the ball before your back swing. You shoulders may be too open (facing left of the target or right if you’re a lefty). The ball position being too far in front which can cause a weak grip. The alignment of your shoulders in relation to your feet and the target may induce the slice. So how you address the ball will generally determine the rest of your swing.

The good news is that there are many simple ways you can use to eliminate the problem causing the slice by simply repeating some easy basic golf drills over and over until your muscle memory adopts the correct fix you’re giving your swing.

I feel that in golf, you can get too overwhelmed by the amount of information you’re given to work on. It can get too confusing and you end up in over load and thinking far too much about every part of your swing. Like anything in life we usually learn best by imitation. We imitate and repeat.

That’s why I feel that a good golf training aid is a great addition to learning to swing the right way without mental overload. They get you swinging the right way without having a thousand swing thoughts weighing you down.

Below is a collection of golf swing instruction videos featuring various golf pros examining the causes of a golf slice and their tips and drills to overcome your slice and get you back on track.

But don’t forget another very important piece of advice- always try to swing within yourself. Never over extend yourself during your golf swing or think that sheer brute force sends the ball further- it doesn’t and usually ruins your swing, posture and timing which are so important. Here is a tip for this- swing with your feet together in practice!

It’s a good swing, good timing and control that send the ball far and straight- all of which can be negatively affected by over extending yourself.

I hope the following golf swing instruction videos can help you. Feel free to look at the golf swing instruction page which has plenty more help and advice videos.

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